Jerry Goodkey

I grew up in the Bancroft area, and then spent a number of years working in Northern Ontario. My wife Betty and I have 4 adult children and 12 grandchildren. We moved back to the area in 2004, and worked at Graphite Bible camp for five and a half years. We now live back in L’Amable and...Continue reading

Lloyd Easton

Reginald & Diane Easton welcomed me into the world on Dec 6, 1968. I married my wife Elaine Mountney. Elaine‘s parents are Aileen & Lloyd Mountney of Bancroft. We have resided in Bancroft and attended the Bancroft Bible Chapel for over thirty years. Elaine & I are the proud parents of Taylor, Jordan & Brooke....Continue reading

Robert Koster

Robert has lived in  the Bancroft area most of his life. He was married in 88 to Teresa and they are parents to two adult children.

Roger Easton

I was part of the L’Amable assembly from its inception in 1982; first as an elder and now as a deacon. My wife is Margaret and we have four adult children and eleven grandchildren. I worked as a builder most of my adult life. My heart’s desire is that those who are part of our...Continue reading

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