Staff Category: Commended Workers
Brad Ferguson
I am originally from the East Coast. My mom and I moved to Peterborough Ontario when I was 10. I met my wonderful wife Tanya while attending KLBC in Peterborough. We have two beautiful children, Liam and Elise. We have attended L’Amable Bible Chapel since 2008.
Gerry & Jackie Libby
Gerry & Jackie were commended to full time ministry in 2000 by Lakefield Gospel Chapel. They have been living in the L’Amable area since that time. Previous to this, they lived in the Peterborough area where Gerry was an elementary school teacher and principal for 14 years. L’Amable Bible Chapel is their home church. Much...Continue reading
Garnet & Gwen Cooney
Garnet and Gwen Cooney, Missionaries to the Republic of Ireland. Garnet & Gwen have been serving the Lord in Ireland for 18 years. Their main focus is with the assembly in Charleville, County Cork. The young believers there need much encouragement. Evangelism, through different means, including Gospel meetings, children’s summer outreaches, calendar and gospel literature...Continue reading
Dennis & Valerie Easton
Dennis and Valerie Easton, along with their five children (Lael, Aria, Quinn, Cambree and Theo) work with New Tribes Mission of Canada in a remote tribal group in the Philippines. They have built a home in a Ga’dang village and are in the process of learning their language and culture with the goal of sharing...Continue reading